January 16, 2022
Digital React Single Pin - How To Sight In
by Trophy RidgeJeremy Cheek from The ArcheryShack stops by the Trophy Ridge Booth on Day 1 of the 2022 ATA Show. He wanted to learn more about the Digital React Single Pin and how to sight it in, which can be done through one of two methods - the Speed method or React method.
- Speed Method: Requires only one arrow to be fired through a chronograph to accurately set the sight, followed by sighting in at 20 yards. Once your dialed in at 20 yards the React Technology uses your arrow speed in conjunction with React mathematics to set the distances between pin indicators.
- React Method: Requires you to dial the sight in at 20 yards, along with either 30 or 40 yards to set all distances between pin indicators.
Learn more about the Digital React Single Pin.