String Technology
D97 & X99 Bowstring
Extremely durable string with low creep and fast string performance
When you’re shooting a high-performance bow, you need strings that can live up to legendary standards. Made by Headhunter Bow Strings, our Contraband Strings are constructed with the perfect blend of materials engineered for performance and durability, even in elevated temperatures. By using top-tier materials from BCY, Contrabands Strings are pre-stretched to eliminate serving rotation, string creep and stretch.
Extremely durable string with low creep and fast string performance
Made from tightly braided HMPE for extreme durability. BCY 2X fits snugly into wheel tracks while covering areas on strings and cables needing extra protection from abrasion.
SonicKnots are essential in eliminating string vibration and noise at the point of origin.
Headhunter Bow Strings is the preferred manufacturer and producer of all OEM bow strings on Bear Archery mainline and Legend Series compound bows. By utilizing Headhunter bowstrings, you can rest easy knowing your replacement strings are the exact spec needed for your Bear Archery bow. Headhunter bowstrings keep your factory warranty valid and have been designed, tested, and approved by Bear engineers.
Office: 608.868.3060
Email: sales@hhbow.com