Behind the Scenes with Bear Archery: Hunting Retailer
by Bear ArcheryWhen you think of archery, you often think of Bear Archery thanks to Fred Bear, the company’s namesake and one of the stalwarts of our industry. From his early days of hunting and spreading the word, Fred Bear was an emissary for bowhunting, competition shooting and ethics. His impact on the archery world and the company that bears his name still resonates after more than eight decades.
Through that time, Bear Archery has taken many twists and turns. From the early days of recurves and wheeled compounds to today’s modern bows designed with the latest technology, Bear Archery has been a mainstay. Originally founded by Fred Bear in Grayling, Michigan, the company is now headquartered in Gainesville, Florida, and includes SIK Broadheads, Cajun Fishing bowfishing tackle and Trophy Ridge accessories.
Marketing Manager Alec Wyman filled us in on the latest from Bear Archery:
AB: Alec, thank you for taking some time to visit with us this month. Can you tell us a little about Bear Archery and how it got started?
AW: Bear Archery has been producing quality archery equipment for more than 85 years. In 1933, Fred Bear started the company with two goals. One, to make archery equipment that was accessible to everyone regardless of age, gender, level of experience, or economic status. And two, to produce quality equipment that could deliver the ultimate archery experience.
Over the years, the company has continued to grow and expand its offering in a wide variety of archery categories. Bear Archery has always been an innovator, and we continue to push boundaries in order to bring consumers the best possible equipment with industry leading performance at affordable prices.
Today, our team takes pride in our widely encompassing lineup of compound and traditional bows, as well as crossbows and more. We stand by the same principles the company was founded on, and work day-in and day-out to honor Fred’s legacy.
Continue Reading the Full Article at Hunting Retailer - written by: Alan Clemons